Photography Pricing Calculator

for photographers who are tired of guessing when it comes to your packages & pricing

If you want to...

  • Make it easy for potential clients to say "YES!!!" to booking with you
  • Use a proven formula to determine your profitable packages & pricing
  • Immediately know the answer to the question, "what are your prices?"

But you don't want to...

  • Stare at your competitors' packages to figure out if you are priced where you "should" be
  • Spend 2 hours creating a custom quote for every lead
  • Keep trading your time for money

AND you don't know...

💰 How much money your current offers are making you, or if they are even profitable in the first place

🎁 How to package your services in a way that makes it easy to explain to clients without them asking a ton of questions, or the dreaded, "how much is it if we remove this?"

🤔 What to put on your website and social media so that potential clients can easily understand what you do and who it's for

✨ How to deliver a top-notch client experience WITHOUT spending all of your time in your email inbox and checking your text messages to make sure all of your clients are taken care of

If this sounds familiar

and all you want is a clear, proven process, tailored to your needs and specific situation without buying *yet another course* that just adds to your overwhelm, or paying a ridiculous amount of money to some self-proclaimed guru…

then this is for you.



Photography Pricing Calculator

Here's exactly what you'll get:



Get my ultimate photography pricing calculator that I use in my own business + my coaching clients' businesses, as well as a 13-minute video tutorial on how to use it.

BONUS: 47-page Packages & Pricing Planner

You need more than just good pricing to sell your photography services.

Map out your winning core offer on your next weekend and start to attract new, ideal clients while you automate your backend tasks to save time, make you more money, and provide a top-notch client experience.




  • How to audit your current offers to see what's profitable
  • Do market research the right way
  • Use the pricing calculator to validate your prices




  • How to craft your core offer based on your market research
  • What to include in your (new) top-notch client experience
  • Align your offer with your pricing




  • How to showcase your offer in a compelling way on your website
  • Create your winning portfolio
  • How to talk about your offer on a discovery or sales call




  • Learn to use your core offer to create your marketing strategy
  • Use the content plan to schedule magnetic emails & social posts



  • Learn how to streamline your workflow by automating repetitive tasks
  • Use the systems checklist to understand where you can save time

Hi there! My name is Emily Kim, and my photography business earns multiple six figures per year with a 50% profit margin because....

I deeply understand

profitable pricing.

When I first started my photography business in 2018, I was still working full time in tech as a software engineer. I knew I eventually wanted the freedom to run my business full time and quit my corporate job.

But, I was still charging $300 for 1-hour sessions.

It seemed like a lot of money at the time! But in that first year of business, I only made $5,791 after my expenses (about $10k gross profit).

I realized that if I wanted to leave my job, I needed to figure out the pricing puzzle.

After a few years of trial and error, I cracked the code (by *finally* getting out of my head & applying principles I learned in my MBA) and quit my job in 2021.

Everything changed when I finally priced myself profitably by creating my streamlined core offer that I could sell on repeat.

I went from offering $300 sessions to $3,000+ sessions.

That’s why I created the Photography Pricing Calculator and Packages & Pricing Planner – so that you can stop running an expensive hobby like I was, and instead build a business that supports your financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a new business owner and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this is a great option for you. You can skip the trial & error and jump right into pricing yourself profitably.

Q: I've been in business for a while. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, this solution will work particularly well for you. It's a great way to audit your existing business and grow even faster.

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?
A: Yes, but I am not sure how long this product will be available and the price can go up any time (this is a special introductory price).

Q: Does this only work for photographers?

A: No, this works for all kind of creative entrepreneurs, coaches, and 1-1 service providers that want to sell their services and make a great living doing what they love.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: I don't have photography packages or an offer yet. Will this still work for me?

A: YES! This helps you to get clarity about the problems you can solve for potential clients. It's a great first learning tool for your business.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes, there is a 7-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.


Any earnings or examples on the website are provided for informational purposes only. We make no guarantees as to any financial outcome through the use of our website or programs. We are not responsible for your future success, decisions, or income level.


All testimonials, statements, examples, photos, and opinions on the website are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. You understand that your results may vary.