get leads on autopilot

from google with...


Increase your Google leads and website click throughs to turn them into real, paying clients with SEO for Creatives.

“SEO? Yeah, I’ve heard about it, but…”

😅 it all goes way over my head. It's too technical!

😰 it’s so overwhelming, and I have no idea where to start!

🙈 I can’t do SEO on my own - I NEED to hire someone.

My friend, it doesn't have to be this way.

In fact, you just need to make a few strategic tweaks on your website to start showing up in search results, AND get clients to fill out that contact form.

imagine if...

✅ your website showed up in results when people search for your services on Google

✅ you got leads automatically, even if you didn't post to social media that week

✅ these things happened without you needing to hire an expensive agency to do it for you



SEO is the long game.

Even if your website is optimized to the tee, it can still sometimes take weeks or months for those changes to reflect in search results.

Agencies like to make you think that you NEED them to "monitor" results. But you really can do this yourself.

🔑 The key is making sure you are implementing the RIGHT changes, so that you can see results as soon as possible.

🤔 What else do you need that agencies don't tell you?

👉 How to design a website that converts.



If your SEO is amazing but your website copy & design sucks,

you STILL won't see results from SEO.

You need both for this strategy to work: 1) a great SEO strategy and 2) a great website.

and i'll show you how to do both of these in...




start today for $197

Here's everything you'll get:

On-demand video lessons, including transcripts AND cliffnotes SO you can skim + review if you need to.



Craft your strategic home page

  • Your home page layout
  • How to create your one-liner
  • The rule of CTAs



Build an SEO-friendly home page

  • Choosing your home page keyword phrase
  • Creating & setting your home page metadata
  • Optimizing images
  • Tips for local businesses
  • Integrating with Google tools



SEO maintenance strategies

  • Introduction to advanced SEO strategies
  • Collecting additional website data
  • Troubleshooting: what to do if your website isn't showing up in Google results




  • Keyword research for blogs
  • How to write the blog post
  • Analyzing results
  • How I write my own blog posts from start to finish


✅ my SEO implementation checklist so you can follow along & make sure you don't miss a thing!

I get consistent leads weekly from Google.

people fill out my website contact form to inquire about my services, on autopilot.

(and I once went 6 months without posting on Instagram - oops!)

Hi! I'm Emily Kim, and I got off the social media hamster wheel because my SEO strategy for my photography business WORKS.

When I first started my photography business in 2018, all of my leads were coming from Instagram and referrals.

And when I say "all", it wasn't a lot to begin with 😂

But since 2021, over 50% of my leads have come from Google.

I implemented my blogging strategy in 2020. In 2021, it paid off because:

I rank as #1 for my chosen keyword phrase: Bay Area brand photographer. 🎉

I also rank on page 1 for several other keywords:

I can focus on building other parts of my business knowing that I'll get leads from Google™.

I'm able to run my business with ease, confidence, and relaxation because I committed to my long-term SEO strategy.

Are you ready to do that, too?

What they're saying


“I have already dived (dove?) in and it’s been hugely helpful!! I’ve already implemented some changes on my home page, and I rank #2 in a Google search of my area + brand photographer keywords. Thank you for creating this!”

"I sat down to implement, and within just a couple of days, I received THREE Google inquiries (which pretty much never happened before!). This was such an excellent course!"

“Ok… this course is grrreat! Like, Tony the Tiger great! I’ve learned so many tips and I’m already implementing things and I’m so grateful!”

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a new business owner and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

Yes, this is a great option for you. You can skip the trial & error and jump right into setting up your SEO strategy for success so that it'll pay off in the long run.

I've been in business for a while. Will I still find value?

Yes, this solution will work particularly well for you. It's a great way to audit your existing website + SEO strategy and see results faster.

Can I wait and buy this later?

Sure, but the price may go up later.

What is your refund policy?

Because of the digital nature of this course, we do not offer refunds.

As I've said throughout this page, SEO is a long-term strategy. Changes you make today will not reflect immediately.

But with consistency and taking the right actions, you will see your Google search rankings increase over time.

I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

Nope! Even though I am a techy person (I used to be a software engineer), I don't like to overcomplicate things. I teach low lift, high impact strategies, which means we use a minimal amount of tech to get your SEO strategy up and running.

You do not need to buy any software. But, you will need a website host (Squarespace, Showit, Wix, etc.) if you do not have one already, and these typically require an annual subscription.

When will I get access?

You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase.

Sometimes it can take up to 10 minutes to send. If you don't receive it after that, send an email to along with the email address you used to purchase, and we'll get it sorted! 💛

Does this only work for photographers?

No, this works for all kind of creative entrepreneurs, coaches, and 1-1 service providers that want to increase their visiblity on Google. It will be more effective if you are a local service provider.

Even if you provide virtual only services, there is a benefit to optimizing your website locally. People love building community with local business owners, and often people will choose local businesses over someone remote.


Any earnings or examples on the website are provided for informational purposes only. We make no guarantees as to any financial outcome through the use of our website or programs. We are not responsible for your future success, decisions, or income level.


All testimonials, statements, examples, photos, and opinions on the website are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. You understand that your results may vary.